Authority Delegated by God by Jim Garlow

In moving forward, what does it mean—to obey God?

An obvious answer is:  To obey God’s Word, obey His principles.  And that’s important.  But it also means being in proper conformity.

And what do I mean by that?

Being in obedience to God’s Word regarding those God has put over you.

Wherever you are in life, you’ll have other human authorities over you—placed there by God.  In fact, delegated by God.

If you want to walk in full obedience to God—guess what?

Here’s the tough part.  You must walk in obedience with those God has ordained and placed over you.

Pray and fast for our nation—our world.  Mark 9:29 reminds us that some things come only by prayer and fasting—as we seek the Lord’s will and prepare for the days ahead



The Apostolic Mission by Frank Dupree


Apostles and Administrators by Frank Dupree